Signs a Filipina Likes You

Many men looking for future wives believe that Asian women are the best candidates for this role. Especially exotic Filipinas stand out, which are extremely beautiful and attractive. Also, men often wonder how to understand these mysterious ladies that they like you. One of the first signs a Filipina likes you will be if she answers your greeting; then you can invite her out on a date, which will confirm her interest in you. However, this is not the only thing you need to know about dating Filipinas. Also, in this article, you will find out about how to date a Filipina woman and other signs and hints with which girls from the Philippines show their sympathy for boyfriends.

Pinay Characteristics

What is a Pinay girl? It is a term that means Filipina ex-pats; the first notice was in the 70s of the 20th century. These Filipinas live in different countries, especially the United States. They are also beautiful, petite, family-oriented; you can meet them in real life because they can live near you. This is a big plus as you do not have to spend a lot of money and time traveling to the Philippines in person or register for various online marriage services in search of a Filipina bride. They stand out from other Asian women since they have beautiful face features and big eyes, which is why millions of guys like them so much. Probably, such an exotic appearance was formed because, at first the Philippines was a Spanish and then an American colony. So let’s take a closer look at why Pinay is so desirable among men from different countries.

Distinctive Features

Filipinas are very family-oriented. From childhood, they are taught all the secrets and tricks of family life. They learn to cook deliciously, keep order in the house, love their husbands, and raise children. Another great skill that Filipina women have is optimism and good humor. They always smile; in addition, Filipina singles are very respectful not only to their parents but also to those who are older than them. They are also always welcoming to strangers and open to new acquaintances. Another thing that should be noted is that, unlike most Asian countries, the majority of people are Catholics in Filipino, about 81%. As believers, Filipinas are very humble and honest people, which is highly appreciated by men who are looking for wives. Filipinas also have a Western mentality, thanks to which they quickly find common interests with Western men.

smiling Filipina woman


In this review, you learned how to tell if a Filipina girl likes you, about what they value in men and their characteristics. Summing up the bottom line, we can say with confidence that dating a Filipina girl is an exciting activity that can grow into something more, for example, into serious relationships and starting a family.


How Do You Know If a Filipina Woman Likes You?

Can’t figure out if the Filipina beauty likes you? Do you want to confess your feelings to her but are afraid of a negative reaction? There are three surefire signs by which you can tell if you are cute to a Filipino girl.

Do you often look at those you are interested in? Most likely, yes, but not openly. Most Filipino girls do the same: they look at their object of adoration but only when he does not see. Try to catch her by surprise: turn around sharply when she is standing behind you. If she immediately looks away, then there is a reason to assume that she is not indifferent to you.

If a Filipino girl really likes you, then she will try to date you more often. For example, if you are a salesperson in a supermarket, the lady will look in there more often. Or, if you study at the same institute, how often do you see her a day? Perhaps the girl is deliberately building the route of movement in such a way that you intersect with her.

Few people have the courage to “test with a smile,” but this method is very effective: it allows you to find out with one hundred percent accuracy whether a girl likes you. Next time you meet a girl you like, try smiling. If she looks away or looks into the distance, then she probably has no feelings for you. In the same case, if she looks down and also begins to be noticeably nervous, then the chances that your sympathy for her is mutual are quite high.

What Do Filipinas Find Attractive?

In an attempt to understand the difficult issue of what do Filipino women like in men, more than one material was studied, and more than one survey was conducted. And here is the rating of the 5 basic qualities of what are Filipino women like we got.


Charisma is a set of emotional and mental traits with which a person is able to fall in love with himself very quickly. Charisma is one of the main qualities of a leader, those who possess it are able to lead people. Many Filipinas believe that charisma is either exists or not. But in fact, it is possible to develop this character trait in oneself. You need to be friendly, energetic and at the same time have good enough oratorical skills.


In ancient times, courage was considered the main virtue, along with wisdom, moderation, and justice. Courage is a quality that shows the ability to overcome suffering, both physical and mental. In our time, courage is often understood as courage, a good attitude towards girls, and manners. This understanding of courage came to us from the Middle Ages when knights possessed these qualities, and it was directly related to honoring. And the truth is, every girl dreams that a guy would be a knight for her day, perform feats for her. Also, often courage is understood as the firmness of spirit, the ability of a man to stand his ground, but only in what the girl agrees to.


The hair on the lower part of the face is one of the secondary sexual characteristics of men due to the presence of testosterone. Now we are seeing a real “Beard Boom,” as having a beard makes its owner ultra fashionable.

Reliability and Dedication

These qualities are essential in any relationship. A girl’s devotion most often means love and loyalty to her beloved. Reliability is associated with the stability and firmness of moral principles. Girls consider these two qualities inherent in most men to be rare, so men with these qualities are a real treasure in the eyes of Filipino women.

Sense of Humor

A sense of humor is a very subjective characteristic, as we can say that everyone has it. But finding someone who understands what you are laughing at is priceless! Oftentimes, a couple may stick with the fact that both love the same comedy genre or spend evenings together watching Jimmy Carr’s “stand up” and genuinely wonder why no one else finds it so funny.

Do Filipinas Fall in Love Fast?

Local beauties quickly fall in love with this because of the Filipina temper. They especially fall in love with those men who have the skills listed above in this article. Therefore, if you are one of these men, then you know how to get a Filipina girl to like you.

Why Do Foreigners Love Filipinas?

Men love local singles because of Filipino women characteristics. They do not complain about Filipina girlfriend problems, they are calm, reasonable, amorous, and loyal. Their exotic appearance is of particular value.

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